Solar Power Charge Controller

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People who use solar power at home may not know about many components that are important. These components are: solar panels, a charge controller, house batteries, an electrical box, a power inverter, fuses, wires and cut off switches. We will discuss the solar power charge controller in this article. A solar power charge controller is an important component of a solar power system. The batteries can get damaged if a proper charge controller is not used.

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It is an important component because it plays a few different roles.  It monitors the working of the batteries and it regulates the charging of the batteries. If batteries are not connected with a charge controller they can get overcharged easily. The charge controller changes the rate of charging at a fixed voltage which is called set point. To determine the set point, the pattern of usage and the type of battery used is considered. Some charge controllers have set points that can be easily adjusted whereas others do not.

If a charge controller is not used it is difficult to discontinue the process of charging when the batteries are fully charged. If you have a wind turbine at your home, a charge controller is a must for your house.

The charge controller also helps in redirecting excess energy. When the charging process is complete, the charge controller diverts the extra energy to some other work such as heating water. In modern charge controllers, a pulse width modulation system is used. In this system, the amount of energy transferred to a battery reduces slowly when the battery reaches near the maximum charge point. It reduces the stress on the battery and enhances its life. There is less power loss and power generated from the solar panels is used efficiently for various purposes in your home.

There are different types of charge controllers and you need to choose a charge controller that matches with the voltage of your batteries. Though modern charge controllers are adapted to different voltages, it is better to make sure before you buy.

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