How Sustainability Has Become A Market

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Today’s consumer is more informed than ever before, motivated by growing environmental conscientiousness. The connection between the two allows marketing companies and entrepreneurs alike to capitalize off today’s sustainable market.

Why It’s Not Enough to Boycott:

People believe that their decision to purchase, or more popularly, boycott, an item, place, or service is stricty rational. But in reality, we decide what to buy and from whom, based purely on emotion. What’s occuring in the developing world has served as a marketing tool for companies who can get consumers on the bandwagon of purchasing with a social cause.

This also works when it comes to supporting places that talk about donating a portion of their profits to particular charities. Most consumers feel a sense of emotional loyalty when they seek services from a place that seems to do its due diligence and abide by principles of ethical consumerism. Around 90% of U.S. shoppers choose to purchase a product from a company that they believe supports a cause they are passionate about. The same percentage of buyers also purchase from a cause-branded company.

Flaws in Traditional Bandwagon Jumping:sustainability

Trending news stories or social issues can become ways for brands to associate themselves with the popular opinion. Like in California and Flint, in which a focused marketing campaign by a water filter company stood to gain. An increased focus on sustainability has led Coca-Cola to include efforts for them to reduce their environmental footprint via their Project Sunlight campaign.

It’s important to recognize that consumers also stand to gain from their ethical, more environmental choices. Sustainable prices save you money, and can often place more power in the hands of consumers who are the ones who essentially determine the marketing strategies and frontline ethics of companies.

Social Trends in Sustainability:

Marketing for social and environmental causes can also take the form of entertainment. Chipotle restaurants educated people about sustainable farming through short animated films, and through the mobile game The Scarecrow, which garnered millions of YouTube views.

Social media trends are the catalyst for change for companies and producers who use it to determine current trends in consumer interests. They can allow you to purchase or make informed decisions about a company and its priorities based on what you see online.

Cause-based marketing is allowing us to make more informed, ethical decisions about our consumerism, but it’s not completely transparent. Your efforts need to be based on informed decision-making and not on your efforts to swim with the current. After all, the environment and its future depends on it.


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About Author

Nadia Zaidi is a freelance multimedia journalist whose work is featured in several print and digital publications. She previously developed and hosted a show on youth issues for community television, and produces short-documentaries for public outreach. She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism from Ryerson University.

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