3 Ways of Avoiding Plastic – UPS Battery Center

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A couple of days ago, we wrote about the concept of a plastic world and we focused in detail on the life cycle of three different plastic bottles. Today and in this post, we’re going to tell you how to avoid daily plastic in 3 simple ways!

Tip#1: Stop Using Plastic Bottles

So here’s the deal, almost everyone knows about single-use plastic bottles being bad for the environment and of course no one wants that. Yet, it seems most people cannot stop using them because they’re easy, affordable and can be found everywhere. However, good things don’t come easily and if we want to save our environment then we need to make some changes.

Avoiding Plastic
Plastic Bottles. CC By-SA 2.0

Reusable plastic bottles are not perfect but they’re better than single-use ones so you can start there. They’re not expensive and in fact, most of the time, they’re free! So, why not put in a little more effort and grab the refillable bottle on your way out of your house to save a piece of our world?

Tip #2: Switch Out the Plastic Toothbrush

In the U.S alone, it is estimated that 1 billion toothbrushes get discarded and thrown away every single year. That is from just one country. Imagine if most countries did that! People know about plastic bags and bottles, but they often don’t think about toothbrushes and how dangerous they are. It can take anything between 20-1000 years for a plastic toothbrush to break down and “decompose”. So please, consider switching to a bamboo or other plant-based brush from brands like Brush With Bamboo.

Tip #3 Plastic Cutlery

For our third tip, we’re discussing cutlery. Why do we need plastic cutlery? Some would say to be able to eat outside. However, why do you need that when you can use your own reusable ones? Safer, cleaner, and more sustainable! Buy a small container (can be found on amazon) and take your cutlery with you everywhere! This is especially useful for students.


Thanks for reading! Do you follow any of these tips? What do you do in your daily life that you consider sustainable? Let us know in the comments below!


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