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Powerware 153302035-001 12V 75Ah Compatible Replacement Battery

Powerware 153302035-001 Compatible Replacement Battery
(1) 12V 75Ah, Insert Terminals
100% Compatible
High Performance
Brand New Fresh Stock
1 Year Warranty Included
Availability: In stock



Model Description: Powerware 153302035-001 compatible replacement battery
Compatibility: Powerware 153302035-001
Condition: Brand new stock
Includes: (1) 12V 75Ah battery with insert terminals, a compatible replacement for the 153302035-001.
Warranty: 1 year full replacement warranty included, additional warranty is available
Life time expectancy: 3-5 years
Manufacturer: UPS Battery Center Ltd.

The Powerware 153302035-001 compatible replacement battery is a high quality battery that is designed to provide excellent performance and long life.

Our batteries are new and always fresh stock. The 153302035-001 compatible replacement battery is covered by our industry leading 1 year replacement warranty. Extended warranty of up to 3 years is available for your convenience. Our warranty is inclusive of shipping costs and is hassle free, the only warranty of this kind in the marketplace.

Powerware® is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.
UPSBatteryCenter® is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or authorised by Eaton Corporation.